Pay with PayPal
Pay Now
with PayPal
If you do not have a PayPal account you can still use your debit or credit card.
Please follow these steps to make your payment:
1. Click the Yellow “Pay Now” button above.
2. Enter your invoice amount in “Price per item” then select Continue.
3. Select “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” to pay directly with your card.
(If you do have a PayPal account then login to your PayPal account.)
4. Enter your Debit or Credit Card Information along with your Billing Address and Contact Information.
Please include at least your email address so that PayPal can send you a confirmation of your payment. )If you include a phone number PayPal will not share that with me, they only provide me with your email address.)
Finally, select “Pay Now” to complete your payment.
PayPal will send you a confirmation to the email address you provided. That will be your receipt for payment.
Thank you for your payment.